United Nations Day, also known as UN Day, is celebrated to commemorate the establishment of the United Nations (UN) on October 24, 1945. The celebration of UN Day in schools is interpreted as a recognition of the role of the UN in maintaining peace, and international cooperation, and addressing global issues. UN Day is also celebrated to embrace the diversity of various countries.




Jakarta Multicultural School (JMS), an international school with students from different countries, actively participates in this celebration. The JMS UN Day event will be held on Friday, October 20, 2023, in the Assembly Hall.



Baca Juga: Keunggulan SMA Internasional di Jakarta Selatan Dengan Fasilitas Terbaik


This annual JMS event begins with performances by each class showcasing arts from various countries around the world. For example, the Preparatory Class will present a Kung Fu Fighting Exhibition from China, Year 11 and Year 12 will perform the Dance Pericón Nacional from Argentina, Year 5 will present the Folk Story Michael and the Fairy from Ireland, Year 1 will perform the song Conga (Gloria Estefan) from Cuba, and many other performances



This event is not limited to singing, dancing, and folk stories but also includes storytelling performances and booths by students and parents. This year’s UN Day event is made even more festive with flags representing various countries displayed in the JMS lobby.



JMS UN Day is held yearly with a deeper meaning beyond the celebration. By organizing this event, it is hoped that students will understand the importance of mutual respect and honor between nations and countries. Additionally, students are encouraged to be aware of global peace issues.


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