The History

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

The Jakarta Multicultural School was initially known as the Jakarta Montessori School and was operated in a rented space of the International Sports of Indonesia (ISCI), located by the Situgintung lake. JMS attracted and appealed to parents who yearned for a school with low learner-teacher ratio that catered and nurtured learners individual needs and personality. The intimate classrooms combined with dedicated teachers and staff fostered what will later become the inspiration of a new vision.

In 2007, the school was acquired by Ms. Edriana Noerdin and adopted the Cambridge and International Baccalaureate curriculums and was renamed the Jakarta International Multicultural School, establishing the beginning of the school we know and love today. To mark this new beginning, JMS relocated to a 2-hectare, lush property located in the green Situgintung area, only 15 minutes away from the Lebak Bulus MRT station.

JMS maintains a low learner-teacher ratio and has developed a bully free environment. Teachers and staff know each and every learner by name, allowing us to closely pay attention to the potentials and challenges faced by each individual learner.

Meet Our Director

Our Commitment

“We Do Not Sacrifice Quality for Quantity”
Our low learner-teacher ratio allows us to closely pay attention to the potentials and challenges faced by each individual learner.
We provide a balanced education, but recognize and support exceptional interests of our individual learners
in Math, Science, Languages, Sports and Performing and Visual Arts.


Every learner deserves to have a meaningful, happy and exciting experience while in school. No learner deserves to be bullied, either physically or verbally. At JMS, our learners enjoy a “no fear” learning environment. They understand and uphold the belief that everyone deserves to have a peaceful and blissful school life experience.
Everyone on the school ground is vigilant and committed in upholding our NO BULLYING values, principles and policy.


JMS is a mosaic of learners, teachers, parents, and staff coming from all walks of life and different countries and backgrounds. Our common goal is to learn to respect one another and to appreciate and embrace our differences by upholding values of tolerance and compassion. Festivals and cultural events are celebrated to express our multicultural diversities. We prepare our learners to live and achieve successes in an increasingly multicultural world.


In line with emerging international school best practices, JMS maintains strong child protection policies and procedures. We strive to provide a safe and secure environment for all learners.

JMS provides an inclusive and diverse learning environment. We foster academic excellence, innovation, creativity, multicultural communication and emotional intelligence to educate and inspire learners to become agents for change and leaders in shaping a better world.



Mr. Roger Bernard Szlatiner
Head Of Academic and Acting Principal

Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Nurjamil
Vice Principal Of School


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