sports day

Jakarta Multicultural School (JMS) celebrated an annual event, Sports Day, on Friday, September 15, 2023. The event was attended by students and teachers. Staff, and parents.

The day kicks-off with an opening ceremony at 8:00 a.m. on the soccer field. The students, teachers, staff, and parents were divided into three teams and stood based on the team. They are the green team, the blue team, and the red team.


Sports Day


The first event started with a speech by Ms. Sita, the general manager of Jakarta Multicultural School. After that, representatives from each team will run, carrying torches, on the running track. And to close the opening ceremony, each team will chant the per house team; it’s the sign of the beginning of sports day.



Some of the competitions held include relay races, penalty kicks, basketball, swimming relays, obstacle runs, water transfers, shooting, badminton, triathlons, esports, and mini-soccer.


sports day


Not only students who participate in each of these competitions but also parents who take their time to school to take part in this competition The race becomes more and more fun when everyone encourages each other.


sports day


Sports Day in JMS not only gives students a chance to showcase their athletic abilities, but it also provides an opportunity for students to come together as a team and celebrate JMS’s culture. It can be a memorable day for everyone involved.



Through participation in sports, students learn the importance of setting goals, working as a team, and pushing their limits. These valuable life skills extend far beyond the sports field and become integral elements of their personal and professional lives.

At the end of this event, the Red Team managed to become the winner of this year’s Sport day.


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