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Vita Admissions


“ICT was my favorite subject when I was at JMS and the school provided me with knowledge and skills that I need to go to university. I am now taking Basic Calsulus, Database Concept, German Language and Culture, Discrete Mathematics, IT Fundamentals, Pfofessional Ethics, Algorithm & Programming, Systems Thinking and English. I am taking many classes and the University offers great resources and supports for the learners.”

Komplek jmsAnanda Putra, Swiss German University, Information Technology

“I am really enjoying my time as a newcomer and freshman in this city. Being introduced to a new culture makes me realize the diversity of Indonesian customs and tradition. I am learning Javanese now! Academically I am doing fine since I have learned English well at JMS.
I have recently found my other passion than singing, which is being a Master of Ceremony for Faculty events. And I am continuing my singing career as well. I have joined a Faculty-based singing group that discusses music and performs together in various events”

Siswa JMSSiti Maitsa Jahja, Airlangga University, Surabaya Faculty of Humanities, English Literature

“I am very happy studying here at TIU since it has provided me with scholarships and it is located so close to central Tokyo. After I graduate, I am hoping to work for a Japanese company.
I was 12 years old when I first came to JMS and my English skill was a total 0. The only one word I could say was `OK`. JMS teachers and learners were very nice and kind, and they communicated with me using verbal and body language. The teachers praised me for every step I made and everyone was very supportive. JMS was a sweet and warm second home for me”

SIswa JMSMiyuki Mitsutake, Tokyo International University (TIU), International Relations, English Track Program